I didn't get much programming done this weekend because I spent most of my time screwing around with my Linux installation, much of which was just fixing things I'd managed to break somehow. My two goals were to switch to KDE and get some sort of remote desktop solution configured so that I could program on my laptop's Linux environment via my Windows desktop. I'm pleased announce success on both counts! It appears that virtually everything is customizable when running Linux and the desktop environment is no exception. As far as I can tell, the two most popular are GNOME and KDE. Ubuntu comes with GNOME but I wanted to try KDE because I had heard that it was more windowsy and shiny. It turns out there is something called Kubuntu which is Ubuntu with KDE instead of GNOME and so installing the kubuntu-desktop package did the trick. Surprisingly, you can actually have both installed simultaneously and choose which one you want when logging in! So far I prefer KDE's style and plan to stick with it for the time being. The two products differ on many levels beyond the aesthetic but I'm too much of a noob to appreciate most of them. One of the significant aspects of the desktop environments is the extra software they come with such as email client, news client, contacts management, etc. The thing is, I really don't care about this stuff because I use this thing called a "web browser". This magical device is slowly but surely making desktop applications irrelevant. Annoyingly, all these extra apps are somehow dependencies of the kubuntu-desktop and so they will be staying installed for now. I am sure there is some way to get rid of them without blowing the whole thing up but it will no doubt involve editing obscure configuration files and executing cryptic commands. Hang on, if I don't like that stuff, why the hell did I install Linux again?? I was asking myself this very question today when I was summarily dumped into a command line after installing the kubuntu-desktop and then rebooting. So I rebooted again and was greeted by the command line again. Wait a minute, I was supposed to have TWO desktop environments, not zero! Various googling and typing of commands happened and somehow it got fixed - I forget the details. So anyway, the other thing I managed to do this weekend was use some software called freeNX to get a remote desktop solution up and running. I had to research for quite a while before I found a guide that was appropriate for my setup and not horribly out of date. Following the guide carefully, it all went very smoothly. I am happy to report that the Windows NX client operates very similarly to good 'ole mstsc.exe in terms of performance. Now I can do all my ruby/rails/android/etc development in Linux and do so from either machine. All this tinkering is time consuming but not without value. I am learning alot and that is the primary goal, after all.
Monday, 25 February 2008
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Status update: compilers and ruby on rails
So you probably noticed I haven't been posting much about the parsing stuff lately and thats because I stopped working on it. I got to the point where wikipedia + lecture notes isn't quite cutting it and I've been unable to find a resource that tackles the subject matter in a way I am comfortable with. A good textbook could make a big difference and there are a few out there that look promising but my heart is not in it at the moment. I'm somewhat torn in between wanting to finish the projects I start and making sure that I am enjoying the projects. However the simple fact is that this plan of less video games and more programming/reading/learning is only sustainable if I am really enjoying the work. My intention is to come back to the compilers stuff in a few months and spend time looking at some of the programs out there that make compiler/interpreter development easier. Previously I avoided this because I wanted to learn the fundamentals and I found this to be worthwhile. It was never my intention to implement an actual compiler or interpreter completely from scratch, although I had hoped to get somewhat further than I did. In any case, the topic that holds my interest at the moment is that of a web development framework called Ruby on Rails. Rails interests me for a number of reasons but I think the primary driver is frustration with ASP.NET at work. I have read about the model-view-controller pattern but never actually worked with it first hand so I am curious about how it compares to developing with web forms. Rather than downloading and configuring Rails locally I am making use of Heroku - they provide free Rails hosting with an integrated development environment. I'm sure you will hear how I'm finding it soon enough.
Monday, 18 February 2008
I installed Ubuntu on my laptop
If you read the first two posts on this blog you might notice a discrepancy. In the first post I identified that I only know how to use Windows. But if you take a look at the second post, I did not propose a remedy. I'll be honest - its because I really did not want to learn Linux. I am unable to give a good reason for this so how about a bad one: fear of change. The thing is, this entire project is about moving outside of my comfort zone and learning Linux is no different so I bit the bullet on Friday night and burned the iso for Ubuntu 7.10. (Random aside - it was a cd iso but I tried burning it onto a dvd, and surprisingly it worked! I was expecting a coaster.) I was immediately impressed. I had no idea that you could boot and run some Linux distributions directly from the disc (perhaps some of you are rolling your eyes at my ignorance? If so, get used to it - there is plenty more where that came from!). The ability to preview an operating system without installing it certainly has some merits. I was able to establish that my wireless would work fine and investigate the options the installer gave me all without making a commitment. I played around for an hour or so and then proceeded with the installation. I had the option to do a "guided" install which would resize some of my partitions but it failed to inspire much confidence so instead I did some reading and set the partitions up manually. Configuring dual boot required zero intervention on my part as it was all automatic and best of all it worked first go. As a basic user, I would say that the two most confusing things about Linux are user permissions and the file system. If I want to copy things to certain directories it seems I have to use a command line and execute the command as the root user. But what if I want to use the nice explorer-style gui for doing this stuff? Figuring out which directories to actually put stuff in is also difficult as there is no obvious program files location. There are definitely things to like as well. For example, I like being able to install applications via a single command such as "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk" ( now I finally understand this xkcd, yay!). Its quite convenient! The small memory and disk space footprint is obviously great. I only set aside 15gb for the Linux partition and it looks it will be more than enough. There are some random quirks that I sort of expected when using a laptop without all the custom driver stuff. Last night I discovered that my brightness-up key doesn't work but the brightness-down key does - I ended up having to reboot the darn thing because my random mashing had made the screen so dark. I've done a bit of googling and it looks like there are pages out there with specific instructions for running Ubuntu on an A8Js so I expect with time I'll be able to iron out most of the quirks. In summary this experience has been remarkably positive. Its great how easy it is to get a taste of the "other side" without making a commitment. If you are at all curious why not just burn an iso and pop it in your drive? I should have done this sooner!
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Fixing the grammar
The test that was failing was this one:
def test_left_compound # "((500*20)+16)"
tokens = [LeftParenToken.new(), LeftParenToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(500), MultiplicationToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(20), RightParenToken.new(), AdditionToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(16), RightParenToken.new()]
Why? Well, do what I did - try to build the expression ((500*20)+16) by hand using the rules. Here they are again:
lookup[:E][LeftParenToken] = [:lpar, :E, :rpar, :T]
The tests all pass! Now I can turn my attention to using the same algorithm for building the tree. However I have some more reading to do before I can proceed. Come on CS164 lectures notes, don't let me down!
Monday, 11 February 2008
Syntax checking with a LL(1) parser
After reading about some different types of parsers, I decided to have a go at LL(1). This means the parser works Left-to-right, generates the Leftmost derivation and looks one token ahead. The basic idea of LL(1) is to build a stack of symbols that represent the derived expression by using a lookup table that tells you what rule to apply based on the current symbol and current token. Not all context free grammars can be parsed using LL(1) but I think the calculator's grammar can, with some modification. Lets break the work into some smaller steps:
- Modify the grammar I described last week to support LL(1) parsing.
- Modify the tokens_are_valid method to use LL(1) to verify whether the token stream is well formed. Given that I already have tests for tokens_are_valid, I will know that I am already on the right track once the existing tests are passing with the new implementation.
- Add syntax tests for parentheses. Watch them fail.
- Modify the tokens_are_valid implementation to make the new tests pass. Once this is happening we are done with using LL(1) for syntax verification and can move on to using LL(1) to actually do the parsing.
- Modify the build_tree method to use LL(1) and watch the operator precedence tests fail because my grammar doesn't deal with the precedence issue.
- Fix the grammar to support operator precedence, make the corresponding changes to the lookup table and watch the tests pass.
- Add evaluation tests for parentheses . I think these babies should automatically work if I've done the other steps right.
n | + | - | * | / | ( | ) | $ | |
E | nT | (E) | ||||||
T | +E | -E | *E | /E | ε | ε |
class AdditionToken < OperatorToken
def symbol
return :plus
I need a way to determine if a symbol is terminal or not, and there is a rather nice way to do this - simply defining an extra method on the Symbol class:
class Symbol
def non_terminal?
return (self == :T || self == :E)
Just to be clear, Symbol is not my class, I'm just adding an extra method to an existing class. Executing :T.non_terminal? will return true.
Next on the agenda is the end token. We don't strictly need an end token but it does make the algorithm simpler.
class EndToken
def symbol
return :end
The lookup table can be done as 2 dimensional hash:
def create_lookup_table()
lookup = {}
lookup[:E] = {}
lookup[:E][IntegerToken] = [:int,:T]
lookup[:E][LeftParenToken] = [:lpar, :E, :rpar]
lookup[:T] = {}
lookup[:T][AdditionToken] = [:plus, :E]
lookup[:T][SubtractionToken] = [:minus, :E]
lookup[:T][MultiplicationToken] = [:multiply,:E]
lookup[:T][DivisionToken] = [:divide, :E]
lookup[:T][RightParenToken] = []
lookup[:T][EndToken] = []
return lookup
As you can see, the table is first indexed with the non-terminal (:E or :T) and then with a token type. The result is an array of symbols, which may be empty. If an attempt to lookup an undefined entry is made then nil is returned and this is interpreted as a syntax error.
Right, with that out of the way, I can begin work on tokens_are_valid. The goal is to replace the old implementation with an LL(1) algorithm and hopefully all the existing tests will pass:
def tokens_are_valid(tokens)
tokens = tokens.dup
symbols = [:E]
lookup = create_lookup_table()
# The symbol and token arrays can be used as stacks if the contents is first reversed.
# An end token/symbol is appended to each before they are reversed.
while(tokens.size > 0)
current_symbol = symbols.pop() #The current symbol will always be consumed. Safe to pop.
current_token = tokens.last #The current token won't necessarily be consumed, cannot pop it yet.
result = lookup[current_symbol][current_token.class]
return false if result.nil?
return false if current_symbol != current_token.symbol
return true
Hopefully this is relatively self-explanatory. The bit that may need some explanation is in bold. See, I am using arrays as stacks but to do so I need to reverse the contents - I do this once at the beginning for the tokens and the symbols. However its also necessary to reverse the result of the table lookup for the same reason. Yes, I could have coded the table with the symbols backwards but that is more confusing. Easiest just to push a reversed copy of the result onto the symbol stack. The only problem with doing this is that you end up with an array inside an array, which is why I call the flatten! method.
In case you were wondering, Ruby has a convention to use the exclamation mark for methods that modify the instance you called the method on, rather than just returning a modified object. The following should demonstrate:
irb(main):001:0> x = [1,2,3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
irb(main):002:0> y = x.reverse
=> [3, 2, 1]
irb(main):003:0> x
=> [1, 2, 3]
irb(main):004:0> x.reverse!
=> [3, 2, 1]
irb(main):005:0> x
=> [3, 2, 1]
Well, my proposed change to tokens_are_valid works fine - all my tests are still passing! The next step is to write some tests that include parentheses. Here are a few (no need to bore you with the full set):
class ParenthesesSyntaxTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_surround_one_number # "(1)"
tokens = [LeftParenToken.new(),IntegerToken.new(1), RightParenToken.new()]
def test_surround_operation # "(1+2)"
tokens = [LeftParenToken.new(),IntegerToken.new(1), AdditionToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(2), RightParenToken.new()]
def test_left_compound # "((500*20)+16)"
tokens = [LeftParenToken.new(), LeftParenToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(500), MultiplicationToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(20), RightParenToken.new(), AdditionToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(16), RightParenToken.new()]
def test_right_compound # "(16+(500*20))"
tokens = [LeftParenToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(16), AdditionToken.new(), LeftParenToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(500), MultiplicationToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(20), RightParenToken.new() , RightParenToken.new()]
def test_empty_parens_error # "()"
tokens = [LeftParenToken.new(), RightParenToken.new()]
def test_wrong_order_error # ")2("
tokens = [RightParenToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(1), LeftParenToken.new()]
def test_no_operator_adjacent_to_paren_error # "1+2(3+4)"
tokens = [IntegerToken.new(1), AdditionToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(2), LeftParenToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(3), AdditionToken.new(), IntegerToken.new(4), RightParenToken.new()]
All but one pass! Can you guess which one? It turns out this is a problem with my grammar, not the implementation. Next post I will discuss the failing test and what I have to do to fix it.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
More on context free grammars
I started writing a post on the work I've done this week but soon realised that it would be useful to explain grammars a bit more before continuing. After all, it is possible that some of you went to the Wikipedia page for context-free grammars and were (like me) unable to curb the involuntary reflex to close the tab as soon as that stack of ugly math symbols came into view. Anyway, lets get to it. To make a grammar you need the following:
- One or more terminal symbols.
- One or more non-terminal symbols.
- A start symbol (must be non-terminal).
- Production rules that relate a non-terminal symbol to a set of symbols.
Monday, 4 February 2008
Parentheses in the calculator: a first look at context-free grammars
This series on writing a program that can evaluate simple arithmetic expressions is all about baby steps. I have no idea what I'm doing in terms of the problem space and I'm similarly ignorant of my tool, Ruby. But I'm making progress and have a good idea of what is next:
- expand number support to the rationals
- report the position of a syntax error when found
- implement support for parentheses
Saturday, 2 February 2008
The calculator, version one
There are a few loose ends to tie up and then the first pass of the calculator is complete. If you've forgotten where I was up to, here is a quick reminder:
- The calculator falls over when the numbers get big because I implemented the tree evaluation in a educational but less than practical manner.
- Whitespace should be ignored.
- The codebase needs a general cleanup.
class OperatorToken
attr_reader :multitive, :value
def evaluate(container_node)
return do_operation(container_node.left_child.evaluate(), container_node.right_child.evaluate())
class AdditionToken < OperatorToken
def initialize()
@value = "+"
@multitive = false
def do_operation(left_child_value, right_child_value)
return left_child_value + right_child_value
I think you can guess what the other Tokens look like. The @value field isn't necessary to the implementation but it allowed me to keep a bunch of existing tests. The @multitive field is a replacement of the crappy named "major" field I used to determine whether the operator was higher precedence. I had to make a few minor changes to other sections of the program but it was all very easy.
Whitespace is trivial to deal with. I could have easily handled it when implementing the tokenization but I guess it slipped my mind. Lets add a test for it:
def test_spaces
assert_equal([14,"+",62,"*",127], tokenize_for_value(" 14 +62* 127 ") ); end
The fix is just stripping whitespace from the string each time a token is generated.
I added a few small tests and did my best to clean up the code. You can download it here. Some sample output:
irb(main):001:0> require 'calculator_v1'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> calculate "10 + 2*6"
=> 22
irb(main):003:0> calculate "1000000000000000000000000000000000-1"
=> 999999999999999999999999999999999
irb(main):004:0> calculate "x-1"
=> "Syntax Error"
Next post I discuss the what I would like to achieve in the next version.
Friday, 1 February 2008
Thoughts on Android Code Day London
I spent today at Google London participating in an Android Code Day. The structure of the event was pretty simple. Roughly, it was:
- 2 1/2 hours: presentation and questions.
- 2 1/2 hours: "hacking".
- 1 hour: networking (no, the OTHER type of networking, you know, the one that involves humans communicating - not machines).