Tuesday, 9 December 2008

A Fluent NHibernate rewrite

A little less than 6 months ago I joined the Fluent NHibernate open source project. More recently I’ve struggled with fielding feature requests and partial patches, and I believe that the source of my difficulty has been the structure of the Fluent NHibernate codebase. In my opinion, the fundamental problem with the code is a lack of separation of concerns. Lets take a look at some excerpts from the ClassMap class:

public virtual IdentityPart Id(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression, string column)
    PropertyInfo property = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty(expression);
    var id = column == null ? new IdentityPart(property) : new IdentityPart(property, column);
    return id;
This Id method is part of the fluent interface. You can see it takes an expression and does some reflection to convert that expression into a format that can be used to configure NHibernate.
public XmlDocument CreateMapping(IMappingVisitor visitor)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TableName))
        TableName = visitor.Conventions.GetTableName.Invoke(typeof(T));

    visitor.CurrentType = typeof(T);
    XmlDocument document = getBaseDocument();
    setHeaderValues(visitor, document);

    foreach (var import in imports)
        import.Write(document.DocumentElement, visitor);

    XmlElement classElement = createClassValues(document, document.DocumentElement);
    writeTheParts(classElement, visitor);

    return document;

This CreateMapping method generates the eventual output that will be fed to NHibernate: an XmlDocument.

The fact that these two methods exist in the same class is a prime example of why I have found the code base increasingly difficult to work with. There is no seperation between the function of specifying the mapping (by calling into the fluent interface) and generating the mapping (writing an xml document). It becomes difficult to reason about the capability of the library as the public interface consists of a big pile of lambda goo. Thinking more ambitiously, if you wanted to develop an alternative fluent api while continuing to utilize all the existing infrastructure provided by Fluent NHibernate, you would find it very difficult indeed.

So, what to do? Hell, if your a programmer you shouldn’t have to ask that question! The same thing we always want to do when the old code base starts to feel clunky. Throw it all out and start from scratch! Ok, rarely is this actually a good idea but that is the nice thing about doing open source on your own time – you can do whatever the hell you want.

Well what should the code base actually look like? Chad Myers had the answer, so I rolled up my sleeves and went to work. That was a couple of weeks ago. Today I hit a milestone - I was able to successfully configure NHibernate for a simple 3 entity scenario, using an API that looks just like the existing Fluent NHibernate API but actually utilizes a model that constructs an object graph of Hbm* instances (these are classes provided by NHibernate that are generated from the mapping schema) and then serializes that graph to xml. Hitting this milestone meant that it was time to share my work, so I committed my version as a branch. I included a decent chunk of notes in the commit message and don’t intend to repeat them all here, so I recommend you review the log if you would like to know more.

So what does this rewrite actually look like?

First of all, here is the tiny demonstration domain that I have been using so far:


Now here is the fluent mapping that I managed to get working today:

private class ArtistMap : ClassMap<Artist>
    public ArtistMap()
        Id(x => x.ID);
        Map(x => x.Name)
        HasMany<Album>(x => x.Albums)

private class AlbumMap : ClassMap<Album>
    public AlbumMap()
        Id(x => x.ID);
        Map(x => x.Title)
        References(x => x.Artist);
        HasMany<Track>(x => x.Tracks)

private class TrackMap : ClassMap<Track>
    public TrackMap()
        Id(x => x.ID);
        Map(x => x.Name)
        Map(x => x.TrackNumber);
        References(x => x.Album)

Look familiar? It should if you are a Fluent NHibernate user or developer! To demonstrate the flexibility of the rewrite, I implemented a very small subset of the existing fluent interface. That implementation was put in a completely separate assembly, to demonstrate that the core of Fluent NHibernate is not tied to any specific fluent api. If you wanted to, you could map a class unfluently, using the core model like so: (this example only maps Album)

var root = new HibernateMapping();

var classMapping = new ClassMapping
       Name = typeof (Album).AssemblyQualifiedName,
       Id = new IdMapping("ID", new IdColumnMapping("ID"), IdGeneratorMapping.NativeGenerator)

var titleMapping = new PropertyMapping("Title") {Length = 50, AllowNull = false};

var artistMapping = new ManyToOneMapping("Artist");

var trackMapping = new SetMapping
       Name = "Tracks",
       Key = new KeyMapping(),
       Contents = new OneToManyMapping(typeof (Track).AssemblyQualifiedName)

You could then serialize the underlying Hbm graph and this is the result:


But of course, doing it that way sucks. This project is called Fluent NHibernate after all!  You don’t even have any strong typing on the properties! I can’t see anyone using the core model directly. Its designed to be a base for fluent api’s to build on.

The core model is still in a rough state. At the moment it has very little functionality other than to wrap the Hbm* classes. However I expect this will change. One of the many issues that need addressing is that of support for conventions – I expect the conventions implementation will require the model to be richer, to accept Type and PropertyInfo instances rather than awful strings. But don’t worry! It won’t get too rich – you won’t see any Expression<Func<T, Object>> hanging off the model – that stuff belongs in the fluent interface.

I am really quite excited about how the seperation between the mapping model and the fluent interface could be leveraged. The DDD fanboi in me would love to see a fluent interface that allows you to describe your aggregate structure in addition to mapping to NHibernate.

1 comment:

  1. Is there anyway to get the table name during execution in an app using fluentnhibernate?
